The end of the school term can be a stressful time. There are final assignments to finish, readings to catch up on and exams to prepare for.

There may also be some anxiety about all the studying that lies ahead…

The good news is, you have unknowingly stored away much of what was taught to you, there’s just some reviewing to do and you’ll be good to go!

Here are a few tips that will help you ease into exam season like a pro…

Tip 1: Know what you already know

Tips for Exams

Think back on what you have learned already. Review your notes, assignments and/or lectures.

Make a priority list or mark what you already have a good grasp on, what you need to review and what you need to learn from the beginning. This way you will see what needs your attention first.

You can also make an appointment with your professor, attend a study session or get together with your classmates. This will give you time to review the concepts well in advance and have you feeling more confident on exam day!

Pro tip: Keep an eye out for what has been emphasized over the semester by the professor. It will most likely appear on the exam.

Tip 2: Take study breaks

Studies show that taking a break in between work helps in the long run. If you don’t have time for walks or fun distractions, distract yourself with other work! If you need a 15-minute break from your assignment, go ahead and get organized with other things to be done on your list. Colour code your notes or build a time table with slots for studying for the next week.

Pro tip: When you are studying, try to study in smaller increments. This will help your mind consolidate all the information you are taking in!

Tip 3: Switch it up

Try to find what makes you happy when studying. If that means you need to write out all your notes with colourfull inks, go for it!

Pro tip: Listening to music, studying in a coffee shop or studying in a group can also help to keep you engaged.

Tip 4: Set goals with rewards!

Set small goals during your study session such as completing a page of notes, finishing a problem set and so on. When these are accomplished, give yourself a small amount of free time to do what you like (this would a great time to check those social media notifications).

When you are finished with larger goals like finishing a whole chapter, reward yourself with a snack, your favourite YouTube video or anything else that makes you happy!

Good luck and happy studying!

Alter, Stuckler & Associates are a team of registered psychologists and a social worker that provide compassionate psychological care. We have provided service to individuals, couples and families from Thornhill, Markham, Vaughan and throughout the Greater Toronto Area for more than 30 years. Have a question for our team? Contact us today.